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深切缅怀Thompson吉他创始人Preston Thompson先生

By 2019年4月16日 No Comments


In Memory

Preston Thompson  (1956.5.2—2019.4.11)


We, at Thompson Guitars, are very saddened to let all of you know that Preston Thompson passed away April 11th after struggling with health issues over the last 9 months.  We are one small family here in Sisters Oregon, and along with his wife Julie and daughter Piper, we appreciate all of the support we have received while Preston has been ill.

Thompson Guitars的全体同仁非常遗憾告诉大家,Preston Thompson先生在经历了九个月病痛的困扰后,于4月11日过世。Thompson Guitars吉他品牌位于俄勒冈州西斯特斯,所有伙伴亲如一家。我们与Preston先生的妻子Julie及女儿Piper一道,感谢所有人在Preston生病期间所给与的支持与关爱。

Preston led a uniquely talented group of craftsmen while passing along his skill and knowledge to each member of the team. Over time, this developed into complete trust in us to build guitars that create the vintage tone he so cherished.



We loved him dearly and he will be greatly missed.

His legacy will live on.




This was a tune that Preston played often to showcase the sound of a Thompson to a dealer or customer.  It is ingrained in our minds and will always be a reminder of his talent and dedication to making this company succeed.



A memorial celebration will be held on Saturday April 27th at 4pm at The Belfry in Sisters, Oregon.  If you are interested in attending please let us know or meet us there to celebrate Preston’s life – use this email to send a note to his family or crew.



In lieu of flowers the family asks that you listen, share and enjoy music.


Thank you everyone for your wonderful outpouring of support, it has been amazing.  We appreciate all of our customers, dealers, artists and vendors – a wonderful family of musicians and friends.



In the future we will set up a fund in Preston’s honor to help young musicians get a Thompson in their talented hands.  He was always thinking about new players in the bluegrass community.

(photo – Grace Constable)



From the bottom of our hearts, here at Thompson Guitars, all the crew thanks you for your kind words and support. We feel the love! Preston has and will be missed. He will always be in our hearts and minds as the team works together making decisions and moving into the future – The dedicated team includes: Jason Hardesty, Jamison Owens, Joel Chadd, Simon Haycraft Peter Daggatt, Dave Peto Christine Funk Gareth Jenkins Kaleb Klein Scott Salgado Daniel Stewart and Joe Maloney

Thompson Guitars的全体成员打心底感谢所有人的慰问与支持。我们感受到了你们的关心!我们深切缅怀Preston先生,在团队今后的工作与发展中,他将始终与我们同在。团队成员:Jason Hardesty、Jamison Owens、Joel Chadd、Simon Haycraft Peter Daggatt、Dave Peto、Christine Funk、Gareth Jenkins、Kaleb Klein、Scott Salgado、Daniel Stewart以及Joe Maloney。






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