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[品牌新闻]Preston Thompson汤普森手工吉他新闻汇总-2019.3

By 2019年 3月 21日 No Comments

Preston Thompson汤普森手工吉他新闻汇总-2019.3



We have several guitars that won’t make it to the dealers as they are either trade guitars, artist guitars or older guitars.  We have 4 of them at our shop right now and can give you more information if you are interested in them. Great tone and workmanship! Let’s make a deal : )


000-12Fret East Indian Rosewood/Adirondack – Natural


OM- Madagascar/Adirondack – Sunburst

OM- 马达加斯加玫瑰木/阿迪朗达克云杉—旭日色

0000- East Indian Rosewood/Adirondack top


Dreadnought – Cuban Mahogany/Adirondack top – LEFT HANDED


A short sampling of each guitar for sale by Joel Chadd

请欣赏Joel Chadd带来的四把待售吉他试弹




Sisters Folk Festival sponsored a concert with a couple of talented Thompson players at The Belfry with a double show of Trey Hensley & Rob Ickes and Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen.  What a great night of amazing musical talent – and it was Frank’s birthday too!

Sisters Folk Festival民谣音乐节在钟楼举办了一场Thompson乐手专题音乐会。Trey Hensley & Rob Ickes以及Frank Solivan与Dirty Kitchen两组嘉宾带来了精彩的演出。他们的音乐才能令人惊叹不已,而且当天还恰好是Frank的生日!真是美好的一天。

视频:Chris Luquette and Trey Hensley pickin’ a tune!

Chris Luquette&Trey Hensley参加Sisters Folk Festival民谣音乐节

WinterGrass was extra special this year with our first ever Thompson tasting workshop with a host of special artists…. and a great time meeting up with Peter Rowan and Billy Strings for some hotel jam sessions.  Thanks everyone for a great time! See videos below….

今年的WinterGrass冬草音乐节有些特别,我们首个Thompson品鉴工作室迎来了一群特别的音乐人。Peter Rowan与Billy Strings的宾馆即兴音乐会也带来了别样的乐趣。感谢所有人,愿欢乐时光永相伴。

视频:Billy Strings and Peter Rowan – Part 3

Billy Strings与Peter Rowan的宾馆即兴音乐会


Peter Rowan’s 000-12Fret Brazilian Deluxe


A special 000-12 Brazilian Deluxe crafted by Preston in 1986 and purchased by Peter Rowan at the Walnut Valley Festival in Winfield, KS.

Peter Rowan手中的这把000-12Fret Brazilian Deluxe吉他,是Preston在1986年手工制作完成的。Peter是在堪萨斯州温菲尔德的核桃谷音乐节(Walnut Valley Festival)上买到了这把吉他。

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