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A Statement On The Proportion of GS’s Retail Sales

By 2019年6月4日 No Comments

A Statement On The Proportion of GS’s Retail Sales

Recently, some malicious rumours have been circulating about our business pattern. We appeal to all our partners and peers to base judgments on facts instead of hearsay. Our company Guitar Square Trading Co., Ltd. was founded on August 20, 2007. We’ve built a good reputation and public image in this industry for nearly 12 years.

Guitar Square hereby declares that:
1.Compared to our wholesaling sales, retail sales of Guitar Square only accounts for 5% of the total turnover, which could be further proved by our financial data;

2. Our online retail outlets simply cannot compete with our dealers, for the reason is that: our retailing has no discount at all, but we allow our dealers to sell goods at a 5%-off discount at most, which means they are more competitive than our own in terms of retail price.

If you have any other question, please reach us directly at

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